Cus­tomer Success

$2.4 Million annual savings from a single Green Belt project

Lumi­nant Ener­gy uti­lized Gem­ba Acad­e­my’s cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram to assist in their com­mit­ment to safe, reli­able, and clean elec­tric­i­ty generation.

Powerplant worker

Luminant Energy’s Story

When Lumi­nant Ener­gy saw the need to imple­ment a Lean Six Sig­ma train­ing pro­gram, they turned to Gem­ba Acad­e­my. What was achieved? $2.4 mil­lion in annu­al sav­ings from a sin­gle Lean Six Sig­ma Green Belt project! 

One of Lumi­nant Ener­gy’s pow­er plants was strug­gling to meet pow­er out­put expec­ta­tions due to incon­sis­tent fuel qual­i­ty. Uti­liz­ing sta­tis­ti­cal tools and analy­sis learned in the Green Belt pro­gram, an oper­a­tor real­ized that they could divide their avail­able fuels into both high, and low grades. They then start­ed to process the high-grade fuels dur­ing the night shift, and uti­lize them dur­ing the day. Like­wise, they shift­ed the low-qual­i­ty fuels to day­time pro­cess­ing and night­time uti­liza­tion. The result? Just one plant was able to turn a 75,000 Mega Watt Hour loss to just 9061 Mega Watt Hours in only two months’ time! In mon­e­tary terms, this equat­ed to $2.4 mil­lion in annu­al savings.

A sin­gle Gem­ba Acad­e­my Lean Six Sig­ma Green Belt cer­ti­fied oper­a­tor can have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on an orga­ni­za­tion’s effi­cien­cy and bot­tom line.